Sälj- & Marknadspodden

Pod #60 – The godfather of Content Marketing in the studio

In this episode of Sälj- och Marknadspodden we have the […]


Joe Pulizzi - The godfather of content marketing

Joe Pulizzi – The godfather of content marketing

In this episode of Sälj- och Marknadspodden we have the honor to interview Joe Pulizzi. Joe is according to many the godfather of content marketing. Joe started Content Marketing Institute (CMI) in 2010 and it is now the main hub for modern marketing practices.

Joe has recently released his latest book, “Content Inc”. This book is all about a new goto market strategy for start-ups and established companies that want to launch a new offering. In this episode we discuss what Content Inc is, and how it should be executed.

Get your free copy of Content Inc!

The first 3 people that sends an email to lars.dahlberg@businessreflex.se asking for Content Inc will get a free copy of the book.

Vill du uppgradera din marknadsföring?

Från enstaka kampanjer till din kompletta digitala avdelning. Vi skräddarsyr lösningar som lyfter din marknadsföring.

Senaste inläggen

  • Digital Marknadsföring, Försäljning

    Så kan du arbeta med en reversed funnel utan att implementera en fullskalig ABM-strategi

    Så kan du arbeta med en reversed funnel utan att implementera en fullskalig ABM-strategi

  • Digital Marknadsföring, Hubspot

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    HubSpot-rapportering: Vilka attributionsmodeller ska du använda och när?

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